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Your Purpose Collaborative Coach's Promise to You, the Client...

1) Your coach promises to evaluate your current needs, goals and resources in order to develop a strategy to meet your objectives and provide you with sound financial advice based on complete and accurate information provided by you. The sole purpose of coaching is in helping you, the client. Your coach does not receive any kickbacks or financial perks from any other professionals, vendors, companies, or third-party products or services.


2) Your coach will keep completely confidential all matters discussed, facts revealed, and the nature and content of all documents generated by your coach or provided by you. Such matters will be shared with others only upon receipt of a written authorization and clear, verifiable instructions from you explaining exactly what may be disclosed.

Your Promise to Your Purpose Collaborative Coach...

1) You understand that communication is crucial to the success of your coaching session(s). You promise to be truthful and transparent with your thoughts, ideas, dreams, goals, and challenges. Additionally, you are responsible for providing complete and accurate materials, documentation, and facts so that the coaching provided is effective and applicable to your situation.


2) You understand that coaching is designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may need to additionally seek the services of an appropriate licensed legal, accounting, or investment service as your coach is not authorized to render such services.


3) You understand that you are the key to making your plan work. You promise to come prepared to take the steps necessary to succeed, take full responsibility for your plan and its implementation, and contact your coach when you need additional advice and direction.


4) You understand that if you are married, it is highly recommended that both spouses participate in and commit to attending the coaching session(s) in order to maximize the effectiveness of coaching. Spouses that plan together, win together!


5) You promise to fulfill a number of pre-session tasks to ensure your coaching time is best utilized. Failure to complete these steps accurately and completely will likely result in less value being delivered, something we are not at all hoping for. These steps may include answering a questionnaire, completing a financial worksheet, reading an educational handout, or reviewing an instructional video. These tasks must be completed within the requested timeframe before your scheduled appointment or the session will be canceled.


6) You understand that refunds are not offered on Purpose Pathway sessions. We appreciate you honoring the original date and time of the appointment. A request to reschedule your original appointment will be honored only once and will be based on your coach's availability.


7) You agree to be solely responsible for your actions, choices, and decisions.


8) You hereby release waive, acquit and forever discharge Amber Tomczak and Purpose Collaborative Coaching & Consulting, their agents, successors, assigns, personal representatives, executors, heirs and employees from every claim, suit, action, demand or right to compensation for damages you may claim to have or that you may have arising out of actions, omissions, or commissions taken by yourself or by Amber Tomczak as a result of advice given by or otherwise resulting from the coaching relationship contemplated hereunder. You further declare and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement not herein expressed has been made to you to enter into this release. The release made pursuant to this paragraph shall bind your heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, assigns and agents.

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